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Kensington information board goes live!

During the Saturday afternoon planting session on 29th June, the new digital information board in Borthwick Park was officially activated by James Stevens MP.

The Kensington Residents’ Association successfully applied for funding from the Australian government’s Stronger Communities Programme to pay for the components and expertise needed to complete this community project. A significant number of volunteer hours were also contributed by locals with construction, information technology, copywriting and editing skills.

The information board is installed in the wall of the storage shed in Borthwick Park. The digital screen activates when a button is pressed and darkens after several minutes of inactivity.

Push the colourful buttons below the screen to browse through several levels of information:
* ‘What’s on in 2024’ summarises KRA events and activities with QR codes to scan for more details;
* KRA information including how to join the Association, ways to get involved in community activities, and an introduction to the 2024 KRA committee members; and
* Borthwick Park information including the history of the revegetation project and plant lists to help identify trees and understorey species growing in the park.

More information will be added as funds become available. Additions could include information about the First Nations connection to the local area, backstories of Kensington’s heritage buildings, a list of birds likely to be seen in the park and surrounding streets . . . what else? Email us at with your suggestions.

IMAGE: KRA committee member John Legg demonstrating how to use the digital information board following its activation by James Stevens MP, Federal Member for Sturt.

14 Jul: Plant-a-thon

Winter is planting time in Borthwick Park!

After a successful planting session on 29th June, we still have about 500 young groundcovers and grasses to plant in the park on Sunday 14th July. 

We’ll be planting, staking and guarding, and mulching around our new plantings. Jobs for everyone plus supervised kids’ activities on offer.  Come by yourself or bring the family or a friend – all welcome.

It will help us to plan the work and catering if you can register at our TryBooking page (link below). If this is not possible or you suddenly realise you’re free on the day, just come along!

Sunday morning 14 July (9am to 12.30pm) followed by lunch (provided by the KRA Committee)

11 Aug: Borthwick Park working bee

Borthwick Park – a lovely green space bounded by Thornton Street, Richmond Street, Bridge Street and Second Creek – is the focus of a community-led project supported by the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters and Green Adelaide.

🍃 Borthwick Park working bees are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month 9-11am. Come along on Sunday 11th August and see what we get up to.

🍃 Most likely we’ll be topping up mulch in the perimeter and halo beds and probably evicting the winter weeds that spring up when the rain starts.

🍃 Volunteering locally is a great way to meet new people in your neighbourhood. Bring the kids. Invite a friend or neighbour to volunteer with you. Jobs for all ages and capabilities. No prior gardening experience necessary. All training and tools are provided.

🍃 Wear enclosed footwear and clothing to suit the weather. Bring your KRA volunteer vest if you have one or we’ll issue you with on on the day.

📲 Call John for more details on 0422 909 710.

🍰 If you can’t manage the physical work, you are still most welcome to join us for morning tea from 11am. Free tea, coffee, and a delicious spread of morning tea treats on offer. We’d love to see you.

20th Oct: Pizza In the Park

Join the annual Pizza in the Park community gathering!

Free wood oven pizza for Kensington Residents’ Association members!

Where? Borthwick Park, Thornton St Kensington

When? from 4pm til dark

Not a KRA member? It’s just $15/household/year to join. Email today to join our active residents’ association and register to attend Pizza in the Park at the same time!

Bring your picnic chairs, drinks and plates/cutlery if you want them. The KRA committee will make and serve pizza until everyone is happily full.

To help with catering, email with the number of people you’re bringing to Pizza in the Park and alert us to any dietary needs. This is a family friendly event and a perfect opportunity to invite new friends or neighbours to meet other locals and make new connections.

A trading table will be set up at the Pizza in the Park event for swapping plants, cuttings and saved seeds. Share your surplus, get some free plants to try at your place and connect with local gardeners.

22 Jun: Winter Solstice Open Mic

Winter/Spring 2024: New signage for Borthwick Park

Watch for the appearance of new signage for our Borthwick Park plants. 

Each sign will include a QR code to link to further information about the plant. 

(This project is dependent on grant funding)

Spring 2024: East Waste Trip

Tour of the East Waste recycling centre at Ottaway

Representatives of the KRA committee will participate in this tour and report back, giving  residents of Kensington an opportunity to understand the process.