
Acacia acinacea
Gold-dust Wattle

Description: Straggly low or more erect tough and durable open shrub to 3m. Bright green foliage. Flowers late winter to early spring in a profusion of yellow globular flowers. Fast growing, short lived (under 15 years).

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade and well-drained soil. Drought and frost tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Useful ornamental and reliable plant.

Banksia marginata
Silver Banksia

Description: Medium woody shrub, typically 2m high but variable. Leaves dull green. Cylindrical pale yellow flower spikes may appear year-round. Fairly fast growing. Long-lived.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade and well-drained soils but tolerant to damp soils. Drought and frost tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Banksias are named after Sir Joseph Banks, botanist on Cook’s first voyage to Australia.
  • The under-surface of the leaves is silvery, giving the plant its common name.

Bursaria spinosa
Christmas Bush

Description: Variable large spreading shrub up to 3m or more. Leaves are bright green and oval. Stems may have thorns. Creamy perfumed flowers in late spring to summer. Slow growing. Long lived, up to 60 years.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade and well-drained soil. Moderately drought and frost tolerant.


  • Also known as Sweet Bursaria.
  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Leaves produce the glycoside aesculin, used in manufacture of some pharmaceuticals.

Dodonaea viscosa var spatulate
Sticky Hop-bush

Description: Hardy spreading or erect shrub up to 4 m. Sticky bright green leaves. Flowers insignificant. Colourful pink or red fruit like hops in spring. Quite fast growing. Long-lived to around 30 years.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade and well-drained soil. Drought tolerant and moderately frost tolerant.


  • Aboriginal use: leaves were chewed to relieve toothache. Wood was used to make clubs.
  • Used to make beer by early settlers.

Goodenia ovata
Hop Goodenia

Description: Small open scrambling shrub up to 2m high. Glossy green, sticky oval leaves. Conspicuous bright yellow flowers in spring and summer. Fast growing, short-lived.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade. Tolerates boggy conditions and moist soils. Drought and frost tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Responds well to pruning.
  • Aboriginal use: leaves have mild sleep-inducing effect.

Leptospermum continentale
Prickly Tea-tree

Description: Upright and narrow shrub to 2 or 3m. Rigid prickly leaves with white flowers massed along stems. Long lived.

Cultivation: Prefers full sun or part shade. Tolerates poorly drained soils. Frost and drought tolerant.


  • Bird and butterfly attracting.
  • Aboriginal use: spears and pegs.
  • Prune to encourage bushiness.