Fifty-four wonderful volunteers planted out our latest crop of grasses, groundcovers, climbers and low shrubs on Saturday 29 June and Sunday 14 July 2024.
Why are we still planting in Borthwick Park? It seems to be already full of plants!
🌱Tubestock of indigenous Adelaide Plains plants are becoming more available with each passing year, allowing us to increase the biodiversity in the park and support the remnant River Redgums with a more natural understorey.
🌱Plants die and need replacing – species like wattles are short-lived, other species fail to thrive in the soil heavily modified since colonisation, and plants are regularly damaged by park activity or storms or heat.
🌱New ground covers are continually being added to discourage weed growth.
This year we planted up an extension of the Thornton Street bed where Council kindly replaced a section of bare gravel with loam, replanted a corner bed near the Richmond Street entrance, and added lots of new plants through the existing perimeter and central halo plantings.
If you’d like to find out more about the transformation of Borthwick Park by the Kensington Residents’ Association’s widely acclaimed biodiversity project, download a copy of the 2022 project update here.
Our thanks go to
🌱 everyone who joined in to make these two important days such a success;
🌱the catering team who put on a great spread on both occasions; and
🌱Trees for Life who provided us with such healthy young plant stock.